
Scientific Research Publishing (SCIRP) is one of the largest Open Access journal publishers. It is currently publishing more than 200 open access, online, peer-reviewed journals covering a wide range of academic disciplines. SCIRP serves the worldwide academic communities and contributes to the progress and application of science with its publication. More than 5000 professional editorial board members support our publishing activities, and 30587 articles have already been published with SCIRP and read more....


Journals published by MDPI are fully open access: research articles, reviews or any other content on this platform is available to everyone free of charge. To be able to provide open access journals, we finance publication though article processing charges (APC); these are usually covered by the authors' institutes or research funding bodies. Read more about our open access Policy and read more....


Scientific & Academic Publishing (SAP) is an Open-Access publisher of journals covering a wide range of academic disciplines. SAP serves the world's research and scholarly communities, and aims to be one of the largest publishers for professional and scholarly societies. SAP's journals maintain the highest standards of peer review, with some internationally-recognized editors serving on the editorial boards of SAP's journals and read more....


Current Issues in Education (CIE) is an open access peer-reviewed academic education journal sponsored by the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College of Arizona State University. This journal is produced by ASU graduate students and publishes articles on a broad range of education topics that are timely and have relevance in the field of education (pre-K, K-12, and higher education) both nationally and internationally. We seek scholarship that tackles issues facing our field at new levels and in new ways and read more.... 


Science and Education publishing (SciEP) is an ideal outlet for the publication of your significant research findings. SciEP’s main goal is to increase the importance of science worldwide, to give all researchers equal opportunity to share ideas, develop their career and for their work to have impact around the world.  All the journals in SciEP are free from all access barriers, allowing for the widest possible global dissemination of your work, leading to more citations and read more.....


Many of the journals offer free and open access to sample issues/ table of contents listings or abstracts, the full text .  The journals that offer free and open access to all contents are marked as such. At the end of the selection are three websites providing comprehensive listings of more online education journals with free and open access to full text and read more....


JIME is an open access online journal in educational technology that focuses on the implications and use of digital media in education.  It aims to foster a multidisciplinary and intellectually rigorous debate on both the theory and practice of interactive media in education and read more....


International foundation for Research and Development (IFRD) provides a unique platform to scholars, academicians, practitioners and business manager to share their valuable knowledge and experience with each other. IFRD organizes conferences, seminars, workshops and publishes diversified research journals to support and promote education and research. The objective of IFRD is to bring people from the academia and business world closer so that they can share the latest developments in the fields of economics, information management, business, education, development studies, social sciences and technology and read more....


Hindawi Publishing Corporation is a commercial publisher of peer-reviewed journals covering a wide range of academic disciplines.   currently more than  publishes 400+ open access, peer-reviewed journals.  Education Research International is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original research articles as well as review articles in all areas of education and read more...


The open access Journal for Educational Research Online (JERO) is an international and interdisciplinary forum for research on education. JERO publishes original, peer-reviewed academic articles that deal with issues of international relevance in educational theory, methodology, and practice and read more....


The Open Education Journal, peer reviewed journal is an important and reliable source of current information on developments in the field. The journal is essential for researchers, teachers, policymakers and administrators. The emphasis will be on publishing quality articles rapidly, making them freely available to researchers worldwide and read more....


The International Journal of Education & the Arts currently serves as an open access platform for scholarly dialogue. Our commitment is to the highest forms of scholarship invested in the significances of the arts in education and the education within the arts. As editors, our personal goal is to create a communal space in which to incite productive dialogue revealing the potential of the arts within education through all forms of inquiry. The journal primarily publishes peer reviewed research-based field studies including, among others, aesthetics, art theory, music education, visual arts education, media education, drama education, dance education, education in literature, and narrative and holistic integrated studies that cross or transcend these fields and read more....


Academia Journal of Educational Research (AJER) is a monthly published journal covering the science and business of Education. AJER is an open access journal that publishes articles on educational management, Education theory, Normative theories, Educational experiences, mental health, Visualization skills, school curriculum, Gender, special education, education and child labour, human right and counseling, Curriculum theory, academic disciplines, sex and moral education, Learning modalities, Philosophy of education, Sociology of education, Preschools and adult education, University systems, e learning, library and Etymology and read more....


Journal of Education and Training Studies (ISSN: 2324-805X; E-ISSN: 2324-8068) is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access journal, published by the Redfame Publishing. The journal is published quarterly in both print and online versions.  Encourage and publish research and studies in the field of consumer education, critical pedagogy, curriculum and instruction, educational leadership, educational philosophy, educational psychology, educational technology, distance education and read more....


International Journal of Multicultural Education (IJME) is a peer-reviewed open-access journal for scholars, practitioners, and students of multicultural education. Committed to promoting educational equity for all, cross-cultural understanding, and global awareness in all levels of education including leadership and policies, IJME publishes (1) reports of empirical research typically in qualitative research orientation; (2) literature-based conceptual articles that advance theories and scholarship of multicultural education; (3) praxis essays that discuss successful multicultural education practices; and (4) reviews of visual arts, professional and children's books, and multimedia resources and read more....


DMOZ is the largest, most comprehensive human-edited directory of the Web. It is constructed and maintained by a passionate, global community of volunteers editors. It was historically known as the Open Directory Project (ODP) and read more....


The Multidisciplinary Journal of Educational Research (known by its Spanish acronym REMIE) is an open access four-monthly journal of Hipatia Press that publishes research outcomes with significant contributions to the understanding and improvement of the educational processes. REMIE not only collects research results from different disciplines and methodological approaches, but also research carried out by interdisciplinary research teams. In this line, disciplinary and interdisciplinary works related to educational research are welcome in areas including education, sociology, psychology, anthropology, history, philosophy, economics, linguistics, geography or political science and read more....


The Journal of Urban Mathematics Education (JUME) is a peer-reviewed, open-access, academic journal published twice a year. The mission of the journal is to foster a transformative global academic space in mathematics that embraces critical research, emancipatory pedagogy, and scholarship of engagement in urban communities. Here, the view of the urban domain extends beyond the geographical context, into the lives of people within the multitude of cultural, social, and political spaces in which mathematics teaching and learning takes place and read more....


International Journal of Research Studies in Education (IJRSE) is an open access international peer reviewed multidisciplinary journal that publishes quality studies related to education. IJRSE is interdisciplinary in approach, and includes but not limited to reports of qualitative case studies, quantitative experiments and surveys, mixed method studies, action researches, meta-analyses, and discussions of conceptual and methodological issues.  The primary aim of IJRSE is to provide an avenue for novice and experts scholars and researchers to publish and share their work to the academe through an open access environment. The scope of IJRSE is deliberately broad in terms of both topics covered and disciplinary perspective. Topics of interests include but not limited to studies that furthers our understanding of learning in pre-primary, primary, high school, college, university, adult education and to contribute to the improvement of educational processes and outcomes and read more.... 


The expertise and resources to support the higher education community in order to enhance the quality and impact of learning and teaching. We do this by recognizing and rewarding excellent teaching, bringing together people and resources to research and share best practice, and by helping to influence, shape and implement policy.  Central to our service is providing academic staff with professional recognition, networking and development opportunities, and advice and support throughout their careers. As the UK's main provider of resources, events and workshops relating to learning and teaching in higher education, we offer services in 28 different disciplines and read more....


A Journal of Educational Research and Practice is a peer-reviewed Canadian journal that the main purpose of the journal is to foster inquiry (in schools, post-secondary institutions and beyond) and promote a deeper understanding of the experiences of educators and learners.  This open-access journal is a forum for educators and scholars to disseminate their work and make a substantial contribution to the field in Canada and around the world and read more....


The Journal of Social Science Education (JSSE) is an international open access peer-reviewed academic journal in the area of research on teaching and learning in the field of social science education. It is characterised by its orientation towards both theory and research, originality and innovativeness, a strong interdisciplinary approach and internationalism and read more....


An international, peer reviewed, open access journal that aims to present and publish research on Medical Education covering medical, dental, nursing, and allied health care professional education. The journal covers undergraduate education, postgraduate training, and continuing medical education including emerging trends and innovative models linking education, research, and health care services. The main focuses are curriculum development, teaching methodology, student assessment, curriculum evaluation, career planning, teachers’ training, and continuing professional development. Advances in Medical Education and Practice is published as a peer reviewed, open access journal to provide information on education and research to be immediately available to learners, educators, practitioners, policymakers and other stakeholders who can access and utilize the evidences to improve the quality of education and services and read more.....


open access journal based in the Faculty of Education at the University of Regina, in Saskatchewan, Canada. The editorial board invites articles and reviews of works that explore ideas in teacher education, as well as broader and more inclusive discussions in education. We envision works that augment the latitude and significance of the idea of education, while acknowledging the ubiquitous growth of the digital arts and sciences in the everyday practice of life and how that might (in)form notions of formal and informal education. We encourage the submission of high quality works that travel across the qualitative and quantitative research landscape engendering conversations in thoughtful and innovative ways and read more.... 


Democracy & Education aims to provoke rigorous, open, and inclusive engagement with the challenges of educating youth in the pre-K-12 age span for active participation in a democratic society. This open access journal seeks to support and sustain conversations that take as their focus the conceptual foundations, social policies, institutional structures, and teaching/learning practices associated with democratic education and read more....


The American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education (the Journal) is the official scholarly publication of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP). Its purpose is to document and advance pharmaceutical education in the United States and internationally. . The Journal is an open-access publication and no username or password is required to view articles. Additionally, publication on the Internet allows the Journal to take full advantage of this electronic interface, incorporating reader comments, social bookmarking, extensive reference linking, and publication of articles with multimedia features, such as interactive figures and databases, full-color graphics, video, and audio and read more....


BMC Medical Education is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that considers articles in relation to the training of healthcare professionals, including undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing education. The journal has a special focus on curriculum development, evaluations of performance, assessment of training needs and evidence-based medicine.  BMC Medical Education is part of the BMC series which publishes subject-specific journals focused on the needs of individual research communities across all areas of biology and medicine and read more.... 


eScholarship provides a suite of open access, scholarly publishing services and research tools that enable departments, research units, publishing programs, and individual scholars associated with the University of California to have direct control over the creation and dissemination of the full range of their scholarship and read more....


INFORMS Transactions on Education (ITE) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal with a mission to advance OR/MS education at all levels worldwide. The journal publishes high-quality articles in a variety of areas related to the teaching of OR/MS: cases, spreadsheet applications, review and opinion articles, resource reviews, and discussions of the impacts of new technologies and new methods of assessment on OR/MS education and read more....


Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions (JEEHP) is an international peer-reviewed online journal publishing research articles. It aims to increase the quality of educational evaluation in the various fields of health professions that undertakes the medical health of people by providing research information with easy access via web. JEEHP especially focused on the Nation-based licensing examinations, national or international program of education, application of the psychometric tools, computerized testing, computer-based or web-based learning and read more....


The Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies (JCEPS) seeks to develop Marxist and other Left analysis of education. JCEPS seeks and publishes articles that critique global, national, neo-liberal, neo-conservative, New Labour, Third Way, postmodernist and other analyses of policy developments, as well as those that attempt to report on, analyse and develop Socialist/ Marxist transformative policy for schooling and education from a number of Radical Left perspectives. JCEPS also addresses issues of social class, 'race', gender, sexual orientation, disability and capital/ism; critical pedagogies, new public managerialism and academic / non-academic labour, and empowerment/ disempowerment and read more....


The Hellenic Journal of Music, Education, and Culture (HeJMEC) is a new international, on-line, open-access, and peer reviewed journal devoted to critical study and critical analysis of issues related to the fields of Music, Education, and Culture and read more....


Educate is published twice a year under the auspices of the Doctoral School at the Institute of Education, University of London. It was first published in 2001 and past issues are available by clicking on the 'Archives' link above or by browsing using the links on the right and read more....


The Journal of Research in Interprofessional Practice and Education (JRIPE) is an open access journal that disseminates theoretical perspectives, methodologies, and evidence-based knowledge to inform Interprofessional practice, education, and research to improve health care delivery, quality of care, and health status for individuals, families, and communities and read more....


The Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education (JMBE) publishes original, previously unpublished, peer-reviewed articles that foster scholarly teaching, and provide readily adoptable resources in biology education.  JMBE welcomes thoughtful and supported submissions pertaining to scholarly teaching in undergraduate, graduate and professional (e.g., medical school) education, K-12 outreach, and informal education and read more....


The Open Education Journal is an Open Access online journal which publishes original research articles, reviews and short articles in all areas of education research and on contemporary education issues and learning, including special education. The Open Education Journal, a peer reviewed journal, aims to provide the most complete and reliable source of information on current developments in education and related areas. The journal is essential for researchers, teachers, policymakers and administrators. The emphasis will be on publishing quality articles rapidly and freely available to researchers worldwide and read more.....


The International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (ISSN 1812-9129) provides a forum for higher education faculty, staff, administrators, researchers, and students who are interested in improving post-secondary instruction. The IJTLHE provides broad coverage of higher education pedagogy and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) across diverse content areas, educational institutions, and levels of instructional expertise. The specific emphasis of IJTLHE is the dissemination of knowledge for improving higher education pedagogy. Electronic distribution of IJTLHE maximizes global availability and read more....


The Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (CJSoTL) is a peer reviewed, trans-disciplinary, open-access electronic journal created and supported by the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. We accept submissions (in French or English) from academic professionals working to understand and enhance learning through systematic scholarly inquiry: articles relevant to the Canadian context, that shed new light on the teaching and learning interests of post-secondary education in Canada, including quantitative and/or qualitative research reports and essays examining issues in the scholarship of teaching and learning and read more....


The Journal of Research in Rural Education is a peer-reviewed, open access e-journal publishing original pieces of scholarly research of demonstrable relevance to educational issues within rural settings. JRRE  the University of Maine College of Education and Human Development. In 2008, JRRE moved to the Center on Rural Education and Communities, located within Penn State University’s College of Education and read more.....


The Journal publishes research or project reports, teacher education programme evaluation, case studies of practice, action research reports, reports on teaching practice or techniques and read more....


Ebsco provide open access journals databases in education and read more....


The Journal of American Indian Education is to improve Native Education through knowledge generation and transmission to classrooms and other educational settings. It encourages dialogue between researchers and teachers through research-based scholar and practitioner articles elucidating current innovations in the classroom. Essays that advance a point of view about an educational question or issue, if supported by cited research literature, are acceptable for consideration as well as manuscripts that present views of literature in areas that are relatively unexplored. Studies grounded in Native Research methodologies are especially encouraged and read more.... 


Education review  publishes reviews of recent books in education, covering the entire range of education scholarship and practice.  Reviews are archived and their publication announced by means of a listserv (EDREV).education review is a signatory to the Budapest Open Access Initiative.  education review is partially supported by the National Education Policy Center at the University of Colorado, Boulder and read more....


EPAA/AAPE is a peer-reviewed, open-access, international, multilingual, and multidisciplinary journal designed for researchers, practitioners, policy makers, and development analysts concerned with education policies. EPAA/AAPE accepts unpublished original manuscripts in English, Spanish and Portuguese without restriction as to conceptual and methodological perspectives, time or place and read more....


Journal of Education and Vocational Research is an open access journal publishes original unpublished quality research work. A scholarly peer reviewed journal deals with the disciplines of education and vocational research. JEVR publishes research work of considerable interest that contributes to theoretical bases of contemporary developments in the field of education and vocational training.  The JEVR includes to subjects of educational technology, educational administration, educational planning, measurement and evaluation in education, developmental psychology, special education, distance learning, vocational education, technology-based learning, environmental education, business education, educational psychology, physical education, innovation, vocational training, knowledge management and read more....


All electronic periodicals are also listed on the Catalogue under title. The list of current subscriptions, both print and electronic. Please check the library catalogue for site location of journals only available in printed format. Where a journal is available electronically, click on [full text] for access. Titles highlighted in bold are freely available on the web and read more....


This International Educational E-Journal provides a platform for the researchers, academicians and students to share knowledge in the form of high quality research articles in Education and Physical Education. The IEEJ is open access journal. This International Educational E-Journal is refereed e-journal and this will be published Quarterly in Marathi/Hindi/English medium and read more.....